Escape of the Lego Series


Both copyright 2003 Wilkins Peak AniStudios and MAU Entertainment.

Poster for the first one

In a dark and lonely closet sits a band of several legos no longer played with. These legos live their lives fine until one day. Now that they've been exposed, the legos attempt to escape only to be kidnapped and held hostage by the human. Now its up to a stray lego to save himself and them from a certain firey grave. Will he survive. His journey will tell.
Color 2003 Wilkins Peak AniStudios. Rated PG-13 for violence, language and naked lego scenes.
Freddie Farz Jr.

Second Film poster.

Present day. The Lego/Human relationship has improved after the disaster last year, but that has yet to change. While at his class in high school, the human is mysteriously attacked by an unseen lego like force. With the help of the all wise Santa head, they soon find out what this force is and what or who it is after. Problem is, this force is a lego, who's about to wage war on all lego kind. A massive battle could lie ahead. One thing's for sure, the basement sure aint friendly no more...
Freddie Farz Jr.