by Kaing of Kaings » January 18th, 2021, 4:38 pm
Every once in a while, the DX Gods demand an audit of the DX numbers for our sites. None of us mortals understand quite why but it's probably because the DX Gods crave accuracy. Using trusty Excel and the Count function, I found the following discrepancies between the numbers in each state. The following are edits that are needed to the map. The map numbers just need to be bumped up by 1 in these cases. CA is actually 24 stations, MT is 29, NM is 6, ND is 16, SD is 15, TX is 14, UT is 30, WA is 20. Hea. The total stations from Sheridan DX is 384.
Harry: " Whoa, Jesus, Check out the butt on that one."
Lloyd: "He must work out."
Dumb and Dumber