Central Idaho DX - December 2009

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Central Idaho DX - December 2009

Postby Kaing of Kaings » December 9th, 2009, 8:58 pm

We finally got internet. That's why I didn't respond to your request for my address Leeroy. I haven't checked my mail in a week. Anyway, G-ville got two new stations. One old friend I got yesterday and another I got today.

Yesterday I heard the closest thing to Flagstaff I will probably get from here. I got 660 KTNN, Window Rock, AZ Country. I heard them speaking Navajo and a commercial for Monument Valley...not the UBSTU Monument Valleys mind you.


Today during the drive back from lunch I got 1420 KUJ, Walla Walla, WA, News/Talk. They were playing the Slant Head, Sean Hanity. I think you are right Leeroy. Talk radio may be dead in 20 years when all the old repubs start dying off. Hopefully people like Ed Schultz and progressive talkers will fill the void.


Tonight, I heard another station kind of close to Flagstaff. I got 720 KDWN, Las Vegas, NV, Talk. Some other stupid republican jackass was on there spewing out shit about how a private (For Profit) healthcare system is so much better than Englands where millions of people die from stuff they would have been treated for if they were in private insurance. Where does this guy think he is from. People die all the time in THIS country because the For Profit system will drop your coverage if you become a liability or deny you if you have a pre-existing condition. Fucking Douches.

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Postby leeroy_t » December 10th, 2009, 12:49 am

Ell, got all 3 of those stations from N. CA. The dude on KDWN that I think you might be referring to sounds like Dr. Evil and is always trying to sell his gay book.

No DXing for me tonight, was talking to Gomps on Skype. Ell, Shannon Hurley has got a gig for 3-4 months in Vietnam playing at the Hyatt in Ho Chi Minh City as a lounge singer! elll They pay for her plane fare, hotel while there, and pay her $3500 a month. Sounds pretty cool.
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Postby Kaing of Kaings » December 12th, 2009, 9:01 pm

Yesterday on Friday the 11th, I got 1360 KUIK, Hillsboro, OR, Talk in the morning. I heard them ID and thought they said KUIJ but it must of been KUIK. There is another 1360 from OR I should of heard but I didn't. There was also a spanish on 1360 that I think is from Tacoma but I need to confirm that.

Ell, I will check out 1140 KGEM. I should be able to get that here easily.
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Hea hea Gay Gay

Postby Kaing of Kaings » December 14th, 2009, 8:47 pm

Ell, today I got 4 new stations. This morning, I was trying to get KGEM but instead I got 1140 CFXL Calgary, Alberta, Religious. The funny thing is I heard an ID and they said CHRB which is High River and on 1280. I am 100% sure I was on 1140 because I heard them say 1140 and they had the Calgary weather and were playing terrible Christian Christmas songs. Don't get me wrong, I love Christmas music, but the versions these guys were playing were horrible. Anyway, I don't know why they said CHRB but I got 1140 out of Calgary.


Next, while still tuned to 1140, I turned the radio antenna to a different direction, and I got 1140 KHTK, Sacramento, CA, Sports. I clearly heard them ID.


On the way to work, I tuned to 1130 and got 1130 CKWX, Vancouver, WA, News. I clearly heard them talk about Vancouver stuff and they said Vancouver's news.


On the way home, I turned to 850 and clear as a bell I got 850 KOA, Denver, Colorado, N/T.


I heard something during Lunch that was playing music and I couldn't tell if it was Christian or Oldies and I didn't get an ID. This may be KGEM. I will try again tomorrow. I'm surprised you could get KGEM Leeroy seeing how you have a 50K watt station in Sacramento right next to you. hea.
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Postby leeroy_t » December 14th, 2009, 10:41 pm

KHTK was overpowering the other station I heard on 1140, but the other station kept coming in good enough to hear the music, just couldnt hear it when ppl started talking. I thought it might be CHRB but it wasnt really playing religious music, it was more country/oldies.
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Postby TheStuboy » December 15th, 2009, 12:09 am

I'm betting you had KGEM. One of you stus should be able to hear it. I can't because of KSL throwing IBOC all over the dial.
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Two for Tuesday

Postby Kaing of Kaings » December 15th, 2009, 9:01 pm

Ell, Still no luck on IDing KGEM but I hear some station during lunch time playing Country and oldies music. Figures, just as the top of the hour was coming the stupid Christian station cut in. Anyway, I got two for today. First I got 1190 KEX, Portland, OR, News/Talk. It was coming in decent this morning.


On the way back from work, I tuned to 880 and got KRVN barely. 880 KRVN. It was coming in and out with some other station that remains unknown.

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Postby leeroy_t » December 15th, 2009, 11:43 pm

The other 880 is probably CHQT Edmonton, AB. You should go to 1120 and get KPNW Eugene, OR. Should be a piece of cake. I'm going to try 1140 again tonight and see what happens. Try 1290 as well and see if you can get KGVO Missoula. Its the AH affiliate in Missoula.
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Super Wednesday DX

Postby Kaing of Kaings » December 16th, 2009, 9:23 pm

ELL today I got 4 new stations. First off in the morning, I got 560 KMON, Great Falls, MT, Country. It was coming in fairly good.


Then I tuned to 880 and got KJJR, Whitefish, MT, N/T. That too was coming in fairly clear.


Next on my short drive to work, I got two stations back to back. First off I got 1110 KBND, Bend, OR, N/T.


Then I got, 1180 KOFI, Kalispell, MT, Oldies. This is the only MT station I got from Flagstaff. No surprise I got it though due to the high power.


On the way home from Lunch I heard the 1140 country/oldies station again. I thought I heard them say Grangeville so I tuned to 1230 and they were playing the same news. It doesn't sound like a bleed though and on the way back from work I thought I heard them ID and it didn't sound like the local station. I still don't know what that is. If it's a bleed, its a weird one.
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Postby leeroy_t » December 17th, 2009, 12:09 am

I can still hear the 1140 every day behind KHTK but almost impossible to ID it. I have heard them say "AM 1140" but no call letters.

Stu, on the Grangeville page you have KRVN Lexington, NE listed as KERR.
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