Steven Seagal has Visited UBSTUdios and Ripped off our Ideas

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Steven Seagal has Visited UBSTUdios and Ripped off our Ideas

Postby Kaing of Kaings » February 25th, 2005, 8:43 pm

Yes, the once bad ass Steven Seagal who was good in Underseige has resorted to piracy to get ideas for his shitty movies. While his Turtlehead Face is most astonishing and his band, Megaflatch is kind of gay, the Man himself has walked the path of rightousness and shit on everything he has passed.

Now he has stolen a UBSTUdios original idea. He has taken the idea of the Ubstudios movie "Into the Sun" and used it for his own. Except I guess this movie takes place in Japan. Anyway the man has clearly visited our site, saw our poster, and wrote a shitty script about our movie and made it his own. I have been noticing Hollywood taking a look at our site and getting ideas, like "White Noise" which was loosely based off of "Ghost Frequencies" and "The Ghost Hunters". Someone is stealing our ideas, and one of their names is Steven Seagal. He likes listening to Hall and Oats and Wilson Phillips and likes watching Will and Grace. Man this guy is crazy. See picture below and you will se what I mean. Talk about a man who doesnt know when to releace his turtle into the wild.

Harry: " Whoa, Jesus, Check out the butt on that one."

Lloyd: "He must work out."

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Postby TheStuboy » February 26th, 2005, 12:41 am

Your joking, this is a real movie? I'm going to have to kick his wussy ass when I get to Hollywood, guess you are going to have to remake that poster.
"I won, you losht, get ushed to it shon"
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