
Are you just flat out mad or pissed about something and want to tell someone about it? Something on this site or forum make you mad? Tell us, but be civil if at all possible, yeah right.

Moderators: leeroy_t, TheStuboy, Kaing of Kaings


Postby leeroy_t » March 18th, 2005, 6:02 pm

Damn it, I have had bad turtle all afternoon and everytime I go into the bathroom the stall is occupied! Either someone has really bad turtle or there is a lot of turtle in this building.
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Postby TheStuboy » March 18th, 2005, 6:32 pm

What did you have to eat recently, that might be a hint why you have turtle. Maybe those stus in the stalls ate the same thing as you, or, like you said, maybe there is just a lot of turtling in that building. Everyone's turtle clock must be set the same time yours is.
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Postby leeroy_t » March 18th, 2005, 6:41 pm

No, Im just on my regular turtle schedule, they are infringing on my ability to keep this schedule with their un-timely turtling. I figure why not get paid to turtle at work? I guess its caught on.
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Postby TheStuboy » March 18th, 2005, 7:05 pm

I used to use the bathroom alot when I worked at Smiths, but not to turtle. I'd often go in there to take a break becuase working there sucked.
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