The Dark Knight - (The Dark Crevice)

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The Dark Knight - (The Dark Crevice)

Postby Kaing of Kaings » July 23rd, 2008, 12:07 am

While spending the last day of our recent short vacation in Oceanside/San Diego, Ca. I got the urge to see the new Batman movie. This was specially tempting after spending almost a whole day walking around the awesome air craft carrier, USS-Midway parked in San Diego harbor and listening to some stupid Japanese woman talk on the cell phone after the old veterans of the ship said they would gladly throw a cell phone off if a person was talking during the tour. It's too bad they didn't.

Anyway, as everybody knows by know, the buzz for The Dark Knight has been huge and likely a result of the very talented Heath Ledgers untimely death. After talking with Stuboy and who confirmed the goodness, I figured San Diego (actually La Jolla) was the place to see the sequel to a Buttman Begins which I still don't really care for. I think I might be one of a hand people of movie who wasn't too impressed with the restart of the Buttman series back in 2005 but I figured what the hey. With actors like Christian Bale, Ledger and Aaron Eckhart, the movie should be pretty damn good.

And guess what it was. That's not to say it's a master piece by any means, but it sure seems like it's trying for it. And what makes the film is Ledger and Eckhart. Mainly Ledgers scary and intense Joker steals the show and when ever he is on the screen, we watch. Don't expect a Jack Nicholson redux, this is a whole new darker take on the Joker, and it is damn good. The Joker is the master of terror and ceremonies in this movie and Ledgers performance lets the character create rampage on Gotham City without remorse.

Buttman also has a new woman playing Rachel Dawes and it's not Katie Holmes (another weak point of the first). This time it's the always good Maggie Gyllenhaal who was more convincing as Buttmans bootie call than Holmes. Eckhart was good as Harvey Dent and eventually Two Face. I kind of wish I saw more of his character, especially when he became Two Face. Lets not forget the always excellent Gary Oldman as Commissioner Gordon, Michael Caine as Alfred and Morgan Freeman. All three kick ass in their roles. Look for a cameos from Anthony Michael Hall (Vacation, Wierd Science), Cillian Murphy (Scarecrow from Ballman Begins) and William Fitchner (Go, almost any Michael Bay film)

The dynamics of the story where what I appreciated the most. While there were a lot of characters, the story kept me at least up to speed. We start off with a bank robbery by the clever Joker who likes to pit his helpers against each other, just for the fun of it. It's a well shot scene and effectively sets the tone and mood of the rest of the film. There are other scenes that effectively build tension and doom and in the end surprise you. Essentially Joker has got Gotham by the balls and it doesn't help that Two Face is pissed off. Everybody hates Batman now and it looks like the sequel to this movie will follow that path.

It will be interesting to see who is the villain or villains in the next film. There are some things that weren't completely wrapped up at the end in my mind, and I think Heath's death might have changed things if you know what I mean.

I have to say this is the first Christopher Nolan film I have liked. It's not perfect and maybe a little too long but it kept my interest and the performances were well done for a comic book movie. This really didn't seem like a comic book movie at times. Anyway, I do recommend this film and not just because every one else is saying it and it is raking in a shit load of money. I mean it because I actually enjoyed it. Hear you go Nolan, I give your latest Batman flick 4.35 stars out of 5. The more I think about this film, the more I like it.


If you talk or use cell phones (yes even if you text message you bastards) in a theater, you have three choices. The Joker would like it that way.
Which one of these three objects would you like shoved up your ass.


Batman having flashbacks from American Psycho "Do you like Huey Lewis and the News? I think their album "Sports" is one of their top albums. "Hit to be Square" is one of their undisputed masterpieces...."
Harry: " Whoa, Jesus, Check out the butt on that one."

Lloyd: "He must work out."

Dumb and Dumber
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Kaing of Kaings
Mitch D. Umbass
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Postby TheStuboy » August 2nd, 2008, 1:41 am

I just saw this for the second time, and the second time definitely is the charm in this case.

Viewing the film for the first time at the Gaytway, I found it to be a work of art, one of the best movies I've seen this year.

The second time however, I saw it on an IMAX screen at Jordan Commons, before checking out a crappy ass place to live (more on that later).

I agree with most of what stu said, and after seeing the film twice, I highly recommend it be viewed by all who read this. 4.5 stars out of 5. Pretty damn good.

I also saw Wall-E for a second time last week. Worth it yet again!

Image Buttman's new abilities include spreading his legs and ripping toxic gas onto his enemies below.

If I had a milkshake and you had a milkshake. You want to know how I got these scars?? HEAHAHAHAHAHA!

As for the crappy place to live,
I found this listing on Craigslist, about a guy looking for a male roommate for 400 dollars a month all utilities incl. I went to take a tour of the house and the guy was scary as heck and ultra Mormon. Needless to say, I won't be living there in the Fall.
"I won, you losht, get ushed to it shon"
Danny Glovershh - Shhootersh.
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