I Now Pronounce You Chuck Hea and Larry UrGAY

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I Now Pronounce You Chuck Hea and Larry UrGAY

Postby Kaing of Kaings » July 30th, 2007, 11:06 pm

This weekend, it was rainy. When I say rainy, I mean powerful rainy where cats are floating down the street and your pants are filling up with liquid from weird places. So after visiting the Museum of Northern Arizona (highly recommended if you are into that sort of thing), we decided to take in a movie. My woman chose to see I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry. I was kind of curious about the movie and of course it stars Jessica Biel so I don't care how homophobic you are, when a movie has Jessica Biel in it, you should see it. Other wise, UCBG, UCBSSG, UCBMUG.

*Minor Spoilers*
Anyway, Chuck and Larry stars Adam Sandler (Chuck) and Kevin James (Larry) as two straight NYC Firemen who have to pretend they are married in order for Larry's kids to be covered under insurance in case Larry decides to corpse. Thus the two have to pretend to be gay when they are not. Pretty much the sum of the story. Enter Jessica Biel, Hotness disguised as a lawyer who defends kang people from the Religious Right and the government who wants to bust people for insurance fraud.

Sometimes she is dressed only in underwear and a bra which makes you go Auhhh. Anyway, we get the typical template in this movie, guy pretends to be gay, guy who pretends to be gay meets Jessica Biel, guy pops a chub, guy starts to think he might be gay, guy loses Jessica Biel because he actually is gay, guy suddenly realizes he probably isn't gay, guy loses Jessica Biel anyway, Godzilla takes a massive steamer on the Brooklyn Bridge and so on. So if you don't expect more and enjoy cheap laughs, this movie is for you.

That being said, I give this movie 3.2 stars out of 4. It was entertaining and had it's slow and stu parts at time, some kang scenes. It wasn't a bad movie and at the same time, not that great.


Try not to make it too obvious Sandler. I can see you are not focused on her eyes or her smile. Better hide that stiffy while you are at it.


Could it get any gayer than this? Well, Probably.
Harry: " Whoa, Jesus, Check out the butt on that one."

Lloyd: "He must work out."

Dumb and Dumber
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Kaing of Kaings
Mitch D. Umbass
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