Rebel Ridge (2024 - Netflix) Hessian Bridge

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Rebel Ridge (2024 - Netflix) Hessian Bridge

Postby TheStuboy » September 6th, 2024, 8:22 pm

Spoilers ahead but I don't care.
For a trailer that billed the film as an action thriller, those moments are there but they're too few and far between. There is a large chunk of the middle section that adds little to the plot. The final action sequence had a lot of implausible moments. Its one of those movies where people shooting at things can't hit anyone. Like really? You can't hit a dude running through smoke barely blocking your view. He then gets in a police car and instead of going away from the firefight, goes back into it? Yeah, I guess to save the good cop that got shot, but it really didn't do much for the film. Another annoyance I had was with the casting. The largely forgettable female character that helps the protagonist isn't interesting and her motivations for being there aren't very good. Maybe it was the fact that I zoned out through about half an hour but the story just wasn't that interesting. Sure, it started strong, and I guess the ending is okay if you like cheese, but this felt like a film that should've been and could've been better. If they would've made it 90 minutes, instead of 2 hours and 12 minutes, they might have a better movie. Again with the acting, the black female police officer was cringe. So were most of the cops. I don't even know why James Cromwell was in this film, that's how pointless his character is. Don Johnson is getting old and looks and acts old. The main character was even hard to take seriously. I swear to God he mumbled through the entire film. I think the film tries to be more clever than it actually is. There are much better films out there with similar plots to this. The only reason I rated the film as high as I did was because there are a few cool rare sequences which the preview used to trick us into thinking this film was better than it is. 2 stars out of 5. This will appear on my worst of 2024 list.

- right to left: Oldballs Johnson, The Druggie You Don't Care About, Mumble Mcstiffactor, Poor Man's Giovanni Ribisi, Officer Hea, and Whathermotivationis Themoviedoesntgiveashitshesabadactor.
"I won, you losht, get ushed to it shon"
Danny Glovershh - Shhootersh.
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