Stuboy's list of top films of all time by year (1900-2010)

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Stuboy's list of top films of all time by year (1900-2010)

Postby TheStuboy » December 2nd, 2020, 1:25 pm

I figured since I have some time this morning, I would start working on this monster of a list of films I consider the best of all time... taken year by year. Since I've started to forget some of my film school viewing of films, I've done my best to remember what I've seen by any given year.

So without further ado...

A Trip To The Moon - The impossible is possible tonight... tonight
Oops, that's Smashing Pumpkins

The Great Train Robbery - A cowboy shoots audiences and they get scared of trains coming right at ya

Birth of a Nation - America is still just as fucking racist

Multiple Chaplin movies - the man was a genius

Go West - Buster Keaton farts and the whole set falls down

The Jazz Singer - the first talkie
Metropolis - all we hear is radio ga ga.

Blackmail - a little stuboy steals Hitchcock's hat

All Quiet on the Western Front - We have lost objective apples

Snow White - Snow Oates
42nd Street - Regardless if the film isn't that great, the technical aspects of it make up for it.
Shotgun to his bel...tummy...

Triumph of the Will - perhaps one of the best examples of German propaganda.

A Christmas Carol - scary 1930s classic

Mr. Smith Goes To Washington - Jimmy Stewart filibusters with the morons in congress
Wizard of Oz - The Lunatic is on the grass
Gone with the Wind - Frankly my dear, this movie is too long
Stagecoach - John Wayne shoots indians while we see a very visible camera shadow in one scene.

Fantasia - My favorite segments are Nutcracker Suite, The Dinosaur part, the Crocodile/Hippo, and Ave Maria following Night on Bald Mountain
The Great Dictator - Chaplin takes on Hitler

Citizen Kane - Perhaps the KANG of all movies
What're we going to do tonight Brain?

Bambi - I forgot how short this film was

It's a Wonderful Life - ptsd Jimmy Stewart gives his best performance ever

Cinderella - Wait, I don't know your name, wait, please wait, how will I find you... wait... shit, fuck, cocksucker, god damnit!

The Quiet Man - (A Quiet Flatch) See the classic scene they used in E.T.
Singing in the Rain - an instant classic and its actually funny

Rear Window - Jimmy Stewart watches people do Oates
Seven Samauri - Shinging

Lady and the Tramp - We are beatcats if you please. We are beatcats if you don't please

The Searchers - John Ford shoots scenes through doors

12 Angry Men - 24 sweaty balls in a jury room
Seventh Seal - Scary game of chess with death

Touch of Evil - perhaps the most intense long shot ever

North By Northwest - A kid anticpates a gunshot and it's incredibly obvious.

Psycho - yes mother... no mother, she didn't flush tp yet
Hard to believe how controversial this shot was

Judgement at Nuremberg - Nazi assholes get what's coming to them
West Side Story - I just f**ked a girl name Maria

To Kill A Mocking Bird - Stiff Gregory Peck in a courtroom

McLintock! - John Wayne and his son beat women in a town in front of everyone. Lots of fights where punches don't land. It's a good time.

Zulu - Hooo hahhh yahhstuuuu

Fahrenheit 451 - Yes Montag, thats the temperature at which super 1960s hair burns

Jungle Book - I wanna be like stu
The Graduate - Mrs. Robinson you're trying to seduce me... aren't you?
Bonnie and Clyde - we all know how it ended, and it wasn't good. Derp.

Hellfighters - Bessemer Bend is on fire, and only John Wayne can put it out.
Funny Girl - Streisand's nose smells everything
Romeo and Juliet - Is this the one with the gratuitous bewb shot?
Planet of the Apes - you damn dirty apes
2001: A Space Odyssey - Good morning Dave, nice shlong

True Grit - John Wayne is old balls
Midnight Cowboy - I'm walking here!
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid - might as well jump!

The Owl and the Pussycat - Bewbs
The Aristocats - you're nothing but a kitty
Zabriskie Point - A confusing counterculture movie with lots of oates. Filmed in a place I've actually been to.
Little Big Man - chief slo'flatch

Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory - Willy Wonka and the Chicken head chop ride
Play Misty For Me - a woman dx's Clint Eastwood's ween
Harold and Maude - Old lady Oates
Straw Dogs - Irish Oates
Dirty Harry - Bad guy Oates
A Clockwork Orange - British Oates

Jeremiah Johnson - Redford mountain man
The Poseidon Adventure - not the Kurt Russell turd
Deliverance - You got a purdy mouth

Jesus Christ Superstar - a bunch of hippies in the desert sing about the Jesus
The Exorcist - The power of Flatch compels you

Blazing Saddles - Gentlemen, rest your sphincter
Young Frankenstein - Thats fraunkenstein

Monty Python and the Holy Grail - Tis a flesh wound
Jaws - Spielberg's first blockbuster
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest - Chief Sloflatch smothers Jack Nicholson

Rocky - Actually a decent film with a hard to understand Stallone
The Pink Panther Strikes Again - it is a large beump
All the President's Men - thankfully Carl Bernstein is still around
That's a priceless Steinway... Not anymore!

Eraserhead - a fucked up movie
Close Encounters of the Third Kind - Meh-teet-see
Star Wars - A New Dope

Revenge of the Pink Panther - Fart in an elevator
Animal House - Underage oates
Grease - I'm embarrassed by this one

Apocalypse Now (final cut) - Napalm in the morning and weirdly lit shots.
Escape from Alcatraz - they didn't make it... attack!
Mad Max - Maux scratches people in the deserts of Australia
Kramer Vs. Kramer - makes you hate Meryl Streep
Alien - Ridley Scott doesn't do shakey cam on a space ship

Caddyshack - I'm alright, nobody worry about Oates
Empire Strikes Back - still the best Star Wars
Airplane - Shirley you can't be serious

Raiders of the Lost Ark - don't look at the sac
Rambo First Blood - Stallone declares war on Brian Dennehy
We don't want your kind here, go back the way you came.

E.T. - the perverted terrestrial
Conan the Barbarian - Gonad the Fartrarian
Porky's - Oates in the shower with Mrs. Ballbreaker
Fast Times at Ridgemont High - moving boobs in stereo
Poltergeist - they're heeeere

Mickey's Christmas Carol - Scrooge misses out on some good duck oates cause he's stu.
National Lampoon's Vacation - this is crazy, I'm in deep
The Outsiders - I remember enjoying this one, but I don't remember much about it
War Games - would you like to play sweaty nutsac?
Return of the Jedi - And they danced with Ewoks and had big Mormon families
A Christmas Story - You'll shoot your eye out kid. Ho ho hoooo

Amadeus - oh oh oh Amadeus rock me Amadeus.
Red Dawn - my my, ffff fff fff ff...(squib delay) ahhh
Revenge of the Nerds - oh hair pie
Romancing the Stone - never leaving your poor shlong alone
Gremlins - bright light!
Temple of Doom - oh mum she bah. Ghadi mah!
The Karate Kid - Sweep the Leg
Purple Rain - Prince is sad and rides his motorcycle all over Minnesota
Beverly Hills Cop - I'm just fartin doing the neutron dance
Ghostbusters - who ya gonna call?
A Nightmare on Elm Street - Johnny Depp gets sucked into a bed
The Terminator - Under the bridge downtown is where John Connor was made
Whatever you do, don't fall asleep!

Weird Science - A chick gets sucked up through a fireplace and we see everything. Oates.
Goonies - Chunk and Sloth fart in the tunnels
Cocoon - the movie that taught me that we will all die someday. I love this movie.
The Breakfast Club - Eat... my... shorts
Brazil - is where I go...
Back to the Future - perhaps the best film ever on this list

Ferris Beullers Day Off - I think I see my dad
Stand By Me - Chopper sick balls
Platoon - Charlie Sheen flies away in a chopper
Aliens - Game over man, game over
An American Tail - Someone's thinking of me, and wants to have oates tonight!

Beverly Hills Cop II - shake down take down, you're busted
Planes, Trains, and Automobiles - you're going the wrong way
Predator - Arnie strips down so the predator sees his ween, and a bunch of people die gruesome deaths
Lethal Weapon - I'm too old for this shhhhpphhhhit
Full Metal Jacket - The first half is better
Princess Bride - As you wish... hea
Raising Arizona - Can you see him too?
Harry and the Hendersons - My name is George Hen... George Hen...

Talk Radio - Very relevant right now
The Naked Gun - Nice beaver
Rain Man - uh oh... fart... did you just fart?
Die Hard - Its a freaking Christmas movie mother f**ker
The Land Before Time - One of my all time favorite animated movies. I swear we wore out the VHS tape.
I dare you not to cry.

Back to the Future part 2 - Biff becomes Trump
Lethal Weapon 2 - Patsy Kensit is ahhh. And a house falls down. This is my favorite of the series.
Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure - Woah, strange things are afoot at the circle K.
Last Crusade - Junior... we called the dog Indiana. You mean you're named after your dog?
Glory - oh my lawd, lawd lawd lawd... mmmhmm
Field of Dreams - wanna play catch? Hea, I'd like that... oates...
Do the Right Thing - a bunch of stuff happens and racism is stu.
Christmas Vacation - This old house, sure is loooaaaaahhhhrrrooowwww. *film melts*
UHF - Spatula City! Shot in Tulsa, OK
Batman - What are you... I'm buttman!
The Abyss - make sure its the special edition

Home Alone - look what you did you little jerk
Dances with Wolves - dances naked with Indians watching
Die Hard 2: Die Farter - A sitting duck... fff ahhleeahhh
Back to the Future Part III - If you twist it that way, everything becomes.... clear. Shweeu your breath stinks.
Ghost - I remember being afraid of the black ghosts at the end
Goodfellas - Do I amuse you, how am I funny. BEAT! FFF ahh!
Tremors - Well, we're not going to polevault out of here

City Slickers - hellooooh
Terminator 2 - I know this hurts... call to shlong
The Silence of the Lambs - it puts the lotion on its skin or else it gets the hose again
Toy Soldiers - Underwear Soldiers - Step by step, fart to fart, left right left, we allll fall down.
So many banana hammocks

The Muppet Christmas Carol - God bless us, everyone, cough cough, dah GOOSE!
Lethal Weapon 3 - now we got a relationship we can build on heheheheh gay
Basic Instict - Basic ahhhoooatttess
Candyman - Don't go to a public bathroom or Candyman will cut off your ween
Aladdin - Can your wienie do this, can your wiene do that?
Reservoir Dogs - Stuck in the Middle with your ear
Radio Flyer - Are you real? Sure, touch my bawls!
My Cousin Vinny - two utes? Two what? What is a ute?
Are you real? Sure, touch my ballsshweee!

Cliffhanger - Jessie, that bridge aint gon hol...
Jurassic Park - Heh, Mr. DNA, where'd you come from. From your butt!
Robin Hood: Men in Tights - We're Men, We're Men in Tights!
Free Willy - Hold me, like a poowee on bottom, he's gonna scare you, he won't be your friend you
Falling Down - Michael Douglas, just wants to get the fuck home
Mrs. Doubtfire - It was a run by fruiting
Sleepless in Seattle - DXing Sears Tower in Seattle
Philadelphia - Sometimes I think that I know, what loves all about
The Fugitive - You find that man... find that man... find that man... that man... man... m...
Groundhog Day - Well Biden won the election... again
Schindler's List - I could've saved more

The Mask - Easy Junior you're giving me a woody
The Lion King - The Lion Kaing of Disney movies
True Lies - Baterazisis!! and I said get another one you moron!
Dumb and Dumber - Gas man, how the hell do they know that I got gas?
Ace Ventura Pet Detective - The movie that made Jim Carrey a star
Speed - I'm smarter than you... yeah, well I'm stuer.
Forrest Gump - Shrimp salad, shrimp burger, shrimp and potatoes, shrimp stew
The Shawshak Redemption - Andy crawled through five football fields of shit
The River Wild - The vacation is over for David Stratharin
I'm sorry, I can't let you do that Gail.

Die Hard With A Vengence - Keep Ze Bottle
Batman Forever - Bah de bahh de bah bah bah boh bah bahdeh bahhh there used to be a tower alone on the sea
The Indian in the Cupboard - Hey there's a butt running down the street
Crimson Tide - I'm the captain, now SHUT THE F UP!
Mr. Holland's Opus - It's a sad movie
Golden Eye - Rest in peace to 006 and Arecibo Observatory, maybe Sean Bean falling from the tower made it collapse
Seven - What's in the baaauuuuxxx
Apollo 13 - Houston, our toilet is backed up
Heat - A beatfest of a movie
Braveheart - Every man dies, not every man really lives. And i you, you and no other. I came home to raise butts and a family.
Toy Story - The OG of computer animated movies

Independence Day - We will not vanish without a fight, today, we celebrate, OUR EOUHAUOHFHEHOEUR
The Frighteners - Got me a score of 30!
Kingpin - You really jarred something loose there tiger
Twister - I gotta go we got cows!
Scream - Movies don't make killers, movies make killers more creative
Fargo - Where're you from -- Le Seur, but I go to school in White Bear, go Bears!
The Lost World: Jurrasic Fart

Liar Liar - I'm kicking my ass, do you mind!?
Breakdown - I'm thinkin' for you, shit for brains. Tell me something, do you care that you almost killed us back there boy? I saw what happened!
Titanic - Draw me wearing only this. Oates
Men in Black - Here come the men in black
Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery - Oh behave!
Contact - Small bowel movements Ellie, small bowel movements... again, RIP Arecibo.
Starship Troopers - Would you like to know more?
Amistad - Ahgistahg. I saw this in the theater as part of a field trip.
Boogie Nights - Hea...

Rush Hour - Do you understand the words coming out of my mouth?
Enemy of the State - I get cranky when i don't eat
The Mighty - The book was better but its okay
The Truman Show - Let's see what else is on, yeah where's the TV guide
Saving Private Ryan - The best world war 2 movie, period, full stop
Simon Birch - My balls just turned into marbles

Austin Powers 2 - The Spy Who Oates'd Me
American Beauty - Don't placate me like I'm your mother boy
October Sky - It won't fly unless someone presses the button, Hea!
Office Space - Yeah, and I'm gonna need you to come in on Sunday as well. I'm gonna be showing her my oh face, oh oh oh oh
American Pie - I was still too young but I did see this movie and it had gratuitous nudity
The Green Mile - Boss, I gots to tell you something
Fight Club - The first rule of fart club is, you do not fart in fart club
Toy Story 2 - Not as good as TS1, but not bad either
I could set the building on fire

American Psycho - Huey Lewis and the News man!
Frequency - A kid gets chopped up by a helicopter blade at the end
The Family Man - I am what I am.. am what I am... am what I am... a family man... a family gay
Cast Away - Never again Wilson... Never again
Meet the Parents - Listen to me Focker
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon - Crouching Mantha, Hidden flatchbubbles

Rush Hour 2 - Honestly can't remember much about it
Training Day - Denzen gets down with Ethan Hawke
Jurassic Park III - Dr. Grant goes to site B
Joy Ride - Candy Kaing... Caaaandy KAAAING
I Am Sam - Good soundtrack
Black Hawk Down - Lots of people die for no reason in Somalia
Ocean's 11 - The Kaing of Heist movies
Donnie Darko (the director's cut) - Patrick Swayze wonders what's wrong with Jake Gyllenhaal
Shrek - I have helmet hair
Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring - Welcome to the Shire Gandalf

Ice Age - No, we're currently experiencing global warming
Panic Room - Dwight Yokam plays a scary guy, while Kirsten Stewart farts
Catch Me if you Can - A fuzzy Spielberg jaunt
Spider-Man - With great power comes great responsibility
Minority Report - You don't have to run... you don't have to catch me.. hea!
Bowling for Columbine - Gun culture in America hasn't changed since 2002
Road to Perdition - Tom Hanks drives a stuboy around and kills people in Illinois
About Schmidt - Kathy Bates boobs scare Jack Nicholson away
Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers - We venture further into middle earth and it gets scary, precious.
If you ever needed an instant boner killer, watch this movie.

Identity - Q-sack confuses himself by portraying a bunch of people.
Terminator 3: Rise of The Machines - Naked female terminator gets away with murder. She can murder my schlong.
The Italian Job - Edward Norton gets outwitted by Marky Mark
The Cooler - We get to see naked Maria Bello, ahh.
Bad Santa - I'm on my ffffucking lunch break
Big Fish - A story so good, it will make stuboy cry
Kill Bill Vol.1 - The bride is out for revenge
Finding Nemo - Ride the waves duuuuude
Lord of the Rings: Return of the KAING
For the alliance... what?

Super Size Me: Morgan Spurlock eats McDonalds and gets the McBrick
Shrek 2 - Shrek's Meet the Parents
Dodgeball - That's an interesting tactic lets see how it pans out for him
Kill Bill Vol 2 - Bill gets his. So do Michael Madsen and Daryl Hannah.
Collateral - Tom Cruise rides in a cab all night with Jamie Foxx and shings people. It's filmed in shakey cam but it's tolerable.
The Incredibles - No no no, I'm a new super hero... Syndrome.
Fahrenheit 9/11 - A sad look at how badly Bush fucked us over
The Aviator - Wave of the future...wave of the future
Sideways - We're not trying the fucking merlot
Polar Express - Hot hot... we got it... hea hea... oates we got it... hea hea... gay chocolate

War of the Worlds - You can't hide in Tim Robbins' basement
Flightplan - Nobody knows where Jodi Foster's daughter went
Jarhead - Welcome to the suck
Grizzly Man - Don't be stu unless you are hoping to be eaten by bears
Munich - Why are we seeing violent flashbacks during oates?
Brokeback Mountain - I aint no queer

Mission Impossible III - I'm gonna fart on you, then I'm going to fart on her, then I'm going to kill myself and then I'm gonna fart on you again
Casino Royale - Daniel Craig's first Bond still kicks ass
Children of Men - Pull my finger
Apocalypto - Mayans get sacrificed and chased through the rainforest
United 93
The Departed - Scorsese sure loves mob movies

Live Free or Die Hard - Sure it's not the greatest Die Hard but you love to hate Timothy Olyphant
The Mist - The nerdy kid from American Pie bites it early on in the movie
The Simpsons Movie - A fun jaunt through an aging series
Sicko - Michael Moore looks at another fucked up American institution... our healthcare system
Into the Wild - There's a big a big hot sun... beating on a big people. In a big hard world.
There Will Be Blood - Drainnageeeeee
No Country for Old Men - I had a dream last night that I craped my pants. It came true. I guess I'm not cut out for this shit any more

Kung Fu Panda - Dustin Hoffman gets to go HOO HAW YAHOO
Cloverfield - You might throw up watching it but you'll enjoy it
Gran Torino - GTFO my lawn gringo
Wall-E - Ballie alls
The Dark Knight - Probably one of the best Buttmans there is.
Slumdog Millionaire - Slumdoggie Dog. Bow wow wow yippie yoh yippie yay

Inglorious Basterds - We're gonna be doin' one thang and one thang only... t'ing manthas
Avatar - Blueballs are prevalent
Up - Stinky Pixar movie about an old fart filling balloons with his own gas
District 9 - Aliens come down and shit goes b a n a n a s
Sherlock Holmes - RDJ plays sweaty nutsac with Mark Strong
A Christmas Carol - Dead eyes are long gone in this mo-cap classic
The Hangover - I'm gonna kill all you muthafuckas and we take it...
The Road - A bleak road film about the future of America if Trump had received a second term
No stuboy, don't go in there.

Inception - In dreams, you are always naked and Elliot Page is laughing at the size of your ween
Toy Story 3 - Stuboys will tear up at the end of this film
Black Swan - Black oates with Mila Kunis would be totes worth it
Shutter Island - Leo gets confused in this twisted fart fest I saw in SLC
True Grit - One of the Cohen's classics. Except you can't understand Rooster Cogburn
The scary guy knows what you did with Mila Kunis

You can find our best of lists in this forum if you dig far enough back. I believe I have every best/worst of list starting in the late 2010s and stus go back earlier. Some day I will release a best and worst movies of this decade considering its pretty much over thank god. Ive decided to leave it there. This list will be further updated as time goes on so I will mark it as a sticky.
Hea. Hope you enjoyed my 110 years of cinema lookback special. Now go watch a stu movie.
"I won, you losht, get ushed to it shon"
Danny Glovershh - Shhootersh.
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Re: Stuboy's list of top films of all time by year (1900-201

Postby Kaing of Kaings » December 3rd, 2020, 10:14 pm

Hea. Nice list. I look forward to your favorites from the last decade
Harry: " Whoa, Jesus, Check out the butt on that one."

Lloyd: "He must work out."

Dumb and Dumber
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