The Best (and Worst) Movies of 1989

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The Best (and Worst) Movies of 1989

Postby Kaing of Kaings » November 19th, 2016, 11:20 pm

1989 was a pivotal year in my history. It was the year my family packed up everything and moved from Oklahoma City to Casper, Wyoming. It was the year I was introduced to the Rocky Mountains (of the first year I remember seeing them). Anyway, it was a big deal. The year is also the year that started my theory that years ending in 9 are unusually strong years in cinema and 1989 might be the best year for cinema I have experienced to date. Think about it, I have 8 movies that I five stared that year and I consider all classics in one way or another. There were also some real strong 4 star movies this year and not a lot of crap that I saw or can recall.

Almost all of these 5 star movies are tied with some memory of seeing them in the theater or at home. For example, Back to the Future II was a way fun romp in the theater. Nothing was cooler to a 9 year old than seeing what the future will be like or seeing the flying DeLorean on screen. I'm not sure if it was BTTF II or III but I remember Justin shouting out, That was Awesome as the car flew toward the screen and into our imaginations. I also remember the trailer for the 3rd movie and knowing I would be in for another treat within the next year. Always was another great experience to me. I remember the moment I realized Richard Dryfuss' character was a ghost and all the things he did. I remember watching the fire fighter plane action sequences and being in awe.

Field of Dreams was one we watched at home but it became an instant classic never the less. I remember watching Glory for the first time in Jr. High years later and being blown away by the depiction of war and the bravery and heroism of the Massachusetts 54th regiment. I think my Grandpa took me to see Batman (Tim Burton's film) and I think that was the first comic book movie I had ever seen and I had never seen anything like it. To be honest, I think it is better than Christian Bale's Batman Begins to this day. I don't remember seeing the Abyss or Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade for the first time but every time I watch those movies since, I know I am watching masters at work. Think about it, two Spielberg classics in one year (Always and Indiana Jones). What a time to be living.

The best story came when my family and I went to see National Lampoons: Christmas Vacation in the theater. We went to one of the down town theaters (probably the Rialto) to see it. The opening credits sequence started and suddenly the film burned before our eyes and the theater went dark. It took a while but they projectionist (remember those) finally got the film started and we missed the opening cartoon with the Christmas Vacation song. The rest of the movie though was a hoot and I think it's safe to say we all laughed well during movie. It has become a Christmas tradition to this day that we tend to watch that every holiday season.

It's hard to pick a number one out of these movies so this will be a long list but it will go to show that 1989 was a record year in film for me and probably will hold the record for a long time.

The Best of 1989

1. National Lampoons: Christmas Vacation* - (Shitter's full)
1. (Tie) Back to the Future, Part II* - (Biff's World)
1. (Tie) Field of Dreams* - (You're a pacifist...Shit)
1. (Tie) Glory*
2. The Abyss* - (Neeaaahhhh)
2. (Tie) Always*
2. (Tie) Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade* - (He Chose...Wisely)
2. (Tie) Prancer* - (Little girl butt jumps in the window at the ending credits)
3. Dead Poets Society* - (Oh Captain, I'm your captain....I'm your captain...though I'm feeling...mighty sick)
4. Batman - (Who Are You...I'm Buttman)
5. All Dogs Go to Heaven - (Hey Charlie...*fart*...maybe we should come in...and go back out)
5. (Tie) Lethal Weapon 2 - (Patsy Kensit...ahhhhh...uhhhh...slobber...uhhhh...she is purty or, Just like the bad guy, from Lethal Weapon 2, I have diplomatic immunity, so Hammer you can't sue, can't touch me)
5. (Tie) UHF - (We've got it all. On UHF)
5. (Tie) Honey I Shrunk the Kids - (Honey I Shrunk my Balls)
5. (Tie) Bill and Teds Excellent Adventure - (Bill and Teds' Party On Dudes)
6. The Adventures of Milo and Oatis -(We're going to take a walk outside to day, going to see what Boy can find today, we're going to take a walk outside today, going to see what Puss can find today)
6. (Tie) Cheetah- (I could of sworn I watched this in Oklahoma but it came out after we moved to Casper)
7. My Left Foot - (Daniel Day Lewis' Toe Jam)
8. Born on the Fourth of July - (Tom Cruise is Pissed Awf on the 4th of July)
9. Dead Calm - (Billy Zane and Nicole Kidman Oates on a Boat)
9. (Tie) Roadhouse - (Patrick Swayze fights and has 1980s Oates on the side)
10. Parent hood - (Steve Martin learns to change poopy diapers)
11. Lonesome Dove - (A long movie but has some good stuff in it)

The famous crotch grab scene.

Yep, Back to the Future II Biff was based on Donald Trump...god help us all.

" you want to play ball wars like we did when I was little. Sure...I would like that."

"mmmhmmmm....mmmmmhmmmm...oh my Lord, Lord, Lord, Lord....mmmmhmmmmm"

"Are you Real?...Sure Touch My Nose"

Oh...This shit just got real.

He chose...poorly

Scene right before the butt jumping scene in the finalle

Stand in the place where you face west...think about direction...

Worst of 1989 - (Not bad considering only 2-2star movies)
1.The Burbs - (Tom Hanks is in a slump but wait till Philadelphia comes out)
2. Little Monsters - (Fred Savage has to wipe a dumb monsters butt)
Harry: " Whoa, Jesus, Check out the butt on that one."

Lloyd: "He must work out."

Dumb and Dumber
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Kaing of Kaings
Mitch D. Umbass
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