Deepwater Horizon - Kurt Russell Rising

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Deepwater Horizon - Kurt Russell Rising

Postby TheStuboy » October 30th, 2016, 2:10 am

Easily one of if not the best film I have seen this year. I came in with high expectations and I was not at all disappointed. The events in the film happened 6 and a half years ago but I remember it pretty clearly. I did not know the specific details of what lead to the disaster as the media quickly forgot about the 11 lives lost and focused more on the millions of gallons of oil spilled into the gulf. This film takes you step by step through what happened and why. It also shows you the consequences of stupid decisions from the top down. Hey that sounds familiar. Anyway, I usually hardly ever feel any emotions while watching a film, besides maybe joy or disgust. Most of this is because I'm more focused on how the film is made and how certain camera angles are done. That and I look at CGI. It's probably the filmmaking degree that does it for me but I can't help it. This film was different. I am a 32 year old man, I started tearing up. I felt helpless and pissed that BP had the audacity to let such at thing happened. The actual incident was neat to watch and very well done. I thought the acting was great, even old man Russell did a good job. John Malkovich plays a good asshole. Again, BP got off pretty easy for something that was very much their fault. I also like how they took a jab at Schlumberkang where wah used to work. Mark Walberg did a good job too. My only wish is that they would have shown a little more of the aftermath and what happened to the rig. Other than that, this should win something at the Oscars. I don't think it will be nominated for Best Picture but I've been wrong many times. On another note, I'm sorry that I spilled my pop twice and they had to clean up after my butterfingers. Sorry, I mismanaged my grip on the cup and I didn't maintain my equipment to hold it. I should get prosecuted for manslaughter and let go five years later. Bastards.
Gets a whopping 4.5 stars out of 5. Any film that can make me cry will win that.
Image Mark Walberg's head is the reason this happened. I mean look how big it is!
"I won, you losht, get ushed to it shon"
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Re: Deepwater Horizon - Kurt Russell Rising

Postby Kaing of Kaings » October 30th, 2016, 5:04 pm

Hea, Glad to see you writing reviews again. Damn, Mark Wahlberg's head is huge. I guess I missed that part of the movie where his head collided with the rig but here is the picture in all its glory. I don't have much to add except this will definitely be toward the top of my Best of 2016 list. Both times I saw it, once with the Wah's in Wyoming and once in Heaville, Idaho, it was a tense experience. Well directed, acted and special effects are masterful. I do hope to see this get some awards Oscar season. Anyway a solid 4.5 stars. And yes I did tear up both times I saw it. Especially at the end. May even beat Zootopia as the top of 2016 so far.


When you see a Pissed Off Kurt Russel Head rising. You better run.


When you see a dwerpy John Malcovich head, you better declare ballwars.
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Lloyd: "He must work out."

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