Civil War - Murica versus Merica: Civil Ballwarz

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Civil War - Murica versus Merica: Civil Ballwarz

Postby TheStuboy » May 4th, 2024, 7:25 pm

I'm growing increasingly fond of A24 films. Hereditary was great, albeit in a fucked up way. The studio likes to take risks that other studios wouldn't take. Like a movie about freaking America at war with itself.
Now, it's unclear how many factions of American are at war with each other in this film. I think it's 3? 4? You have the California/Texas alliance mentioned in the beginning, something to do with Florida, and the Western Alliance. Oregon is mentioned in the film too as something separate. Wikipedia explains it better than I can. Anyway, the movie follows a group of journalists covering what is left of America. They're in New York trying to get to Washington D.C. to interview president Offerman who is a dictator and keeps broadcasting dx messages on AM stations. He and his faction hold the White House. Kirsten Unst is a renowned photographer who befriends a girl who also likes to take pictures of the action. She befriends one of Unst's colleagues. A guy I swear I've seen before but can't place him. They are joined on the journey by a veteran NY Times reporter. Well as soon as they set out, they run into the warzone in Pennsylvania and are shot at several times. A couple other journalists following them almost cause them to crash on the side of a road. The girl and one of the other reporters is held hostage by scary Jesse Plemmons who plays a game of where are you from. This part was the most intense few minutes of the movie at that point.

The pace quickens the closer they get to Washington D.C. In the finale, Unst, the girl, and the other journalists cover the Western alliance closing in on the White House and the movie is balls to the wall up until the end.

-End spoilers-

My criticisms with this film surround the pacing of the first half. I get that we're world building and character building here but it seems to drag here and there, with interesting moments sprinkled in. Once Jesse Plemmons shows up, buckle up. That's when the film finally gets going and doesn't stop.

The acting was good all around. Unst plays a indifferent reporter who has grown numb to the violence around her, and her only goal is to get a quote from President Offerman. Until she runs into the girl.
She becomes a mentor to her, just like the NY Times reporter was to Unst. Joel was one of the better characters in the movie. He showed a range of emotions and largely kept the plot moving forward. Jesse, the younger girl, reminded me of Millie Bobby Brown from Stranger Things.

Throughout the movie, you're constantly asking who is fighting who, because that's exactly what would happen if the premise of this movie were to come true. There's one scene where there are people talking about how family members are divided into the factions, which I can totally see happening. Unfortunately, my family has people who support Trump, whereas I don't want a dictator in chief.

This is what makes this movie so relevant right now. It can happen. We're pretty damn close to it as is. See January 6th for example.

I guess that's what's scary. The film is incredibly realistic.
A running theme throughout is that the press have to remain neutral, because they're our last hope of capturing the truth and history as it happens.

In reality, there are idiots who hate the free press because of one reason or another. Yeah sure, some media is biased, but these reporters work for Reuters! Like the AP, they're as neutral as it gets. They're the last hope. I give the film major props for showing us what press experience in war zones.

An interesting note, a Somalian couple who were down a few rows from us left the theater about 30 minutes into the movie. They never came back.

Civil War is a slow burn at first but picks up quickly. Does it necessarily go anywhere? Yes and no. The lines between good and bad get extremely blurred at the end and like Unst, you just stop caring who is winning.
I did like the very last part because it made a lot of sense.
After all the shit that Joel has seen and experienced, was it worth it to get a quote from the president? I guess so. Even if that last quote is "please don't let them kill me".

Civil War gets 3.4 stars of 5. I'm glad I saw it in the theater, considering this is probably the last week it will run.
I give A24 props for doing a film like this. This is their highest grossing film.

Jesse Plemmons literally steals this film for a few minutes. He's such a damn fine actor.
"I won, you losht, get ushed to it shon"
Danny Glovershh - Shhootersh.
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