MHV LA Premiere

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MHV LA Premiere

Postby leeroy_t » February 13th, 2006, 9:43 pm

Ell, the MHV Hollywood Premiere has happened! Here is the story, First the dvd was driven through hollywood as I had to drop Carolyn off at her friends, so this might be the first ubstudios movie to actually be in the Hollywood part of LA. Anyways, I left there and drove over to Burstank and I went by the NBC Studios where Jay Leno and tons of other hessian programs are filmed and there were several hundred ppl standing outside. I was like what is wrong with these people, then I realized they were all really fat, so I was like ellll, I think they were holding auditions for that show "The Biggest Loser". Anyways MHV premeried at Gomps place, Shannon was there too and saw a part of it. Gomps thought it was the best movie to date, he especially like the blind date scene, and the little captions. Also thought your dorky dad was really funny and deserves the stu oscar award along with leeroy turtlehead. His suggestions were to make sure you have better audio, and dont have music so loud when dialogue is going on. He thought the music was to prominent in scenes where we were talking. Future movies need to have improved dialogue, and no errors while speaking. Ell, we are also over using the dorky house as a set, need other filming locations. hea hea
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Postby TheStuboy » February 13th, 2006, 11:35 pm

Unfortunately the camera is a piece of shit and we can't do anything about it. Its been cleaned many times over, and the buzz you are hearing is the sound of the camera. All Sony consumer cameras have this problem. We really should have recorded that scene in the Restaurant, it would have been better and easier to hear. I had a hard freaking time editing that scene in particular due to the audio, notice how there is very little of angle a (where you can see both of you straight on). The audio in that scene was virtually unusable thanks to stus bowling. I don't see where the music was too loud other than the bowling alley.

I agree about overusing the set. We should use buildings downtown and maybe we can film at other houses I don't know. Its nice to hear MHV has seen NBC Stoodios and Hollywood.

The Bigfoot movie will heavily rely on sound so I figure I might do some foley work for it (especially walking through the woods sounds and the bigfoot howl.)

Lee you should see if anyone has a very cheap DAT (digital audio recorder) that we could purchase. I would gladly buy or build a boom mic so we could get better audio, I'm sick of it too. Like I said though, that camera is getting old and failing (it has been through a lot) and I don't expect it to last longer than 3 or 4 more years. We need something better.
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Postby leeroy_t » February 14th, 2006, 9:27 pm

Gomps thought throughtout a lot of the movie the music was too loud for the other audio. I dont have a digital audio recorder and dont have any plans on getting one any time soon. We will just have to speak up a little more or something.
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Postby TheStuboy » February 14th, 2006, 11:33 pm

The part I found the hardest to hear was with Jennifer. Yes, we just need to speak up. DATs are pretty expensive.

We just need to not film in noisy places.

Gomps is too overanalytical about the music, I found it to be appropriate.
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Postby Kaing of Kaings » February 15th, 2006, 9:47 am

I do agree with Gomps that the music could of been lower in some of the locations. We also should of filmed in the restaurant like I had originally planned. We do need to film in other locations too. It was overuse of the set.
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Postby leeroy_t » February 15th, 2006, 8:55 pm

Ell, Gomps' critisizm is just constructive, he is trying to help us make better movies. He says every movie he has seen that we have made has been an improvement over the previous so we are moving in the right direction. Just need to clean up a lot of little things and then we will have that much better of a movie.
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Postby TheStuboy » February 15th, 2006, 8:57 pm

Like I said, we can't film in noisy situations, that camera and sucks and its hard to edit when you have stus bowling in the background and you have to constantly pan the audio down and up again.
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